Interview with Athlete Mo Hendricks Trail Runner & World Traveler

Interview with Athlete Mo Hendricks Trail Runner & World Traveler


"I love that I am able to mix Ruvi in my smoothies or acai bowls to add some extra fruits and veggies." - Mo Hendricks

Mo Hendricks is a trail running, mountain hiking, world explorer that is all about getting outside and having adventures with others!
She loves to invite new friends to hike trails with her, and believes in sharing in exercise and fitness to uplift others and bring them joy.
We are inspired by Mo's life and attitude. She truly personifies Ruvi's motto: Live in Color.
We took some time to get to know Mo deeper and absorb some of the light coming off of her sails (or shoe tracks in this case). Here is what she had to say:
Q: Have you always loved running? When did you get into trail running? 
A: I played competitive soccer through college and always hated the running part until I had a coach my senior year who taught me about my all around health and how important cross-training and food is to be a better soccer player. Since I was living in Southern Utah, I was also hiking as much as I could. After my coach told us that we should run a certain mileage each week I started running the trails instead of hiking them. My first trail run was in Kolob Canyon and I haven’t stopped since.
Q: How long have you been competing in races like Cirque Series?
A: This will be my second trail race! My first race was at the Sun Valley Cirque Series in 2019. I’m not a big race person, but the vibe at Cirque Series keeps me wanting to come back for more.
Q: When you're not out on the trail, what else do you do to stay fit?
A: I do a lot of cross-training at home. Weight lifting, yoga, stationary biking and short runs on the treadmill. 


Mo Hendricks standing out in the mountains in trail running shoes
Q: If you could offer advice to someone who might feel intimidated by getting into trail running what would it be?
A: When I ask people to join me trail running, I consistently get the response, “I’m very slow and I couldn’t run those hills”. First off, trail running isn’t always running! In my mind, if you run at least 10 feet of the trail… you’ve trail ran. A great rule of thumb is to hike the up-hills and run the flats and the downhills. Take it slow and don’t worry how much walking you have to do. Secondly, I don’t care if we go “slow”, that just means we get to be on the trail longer, and that’s a win!
Q: You seem to travel pretty much everywhere! Where's your favorite place you've ever been?
A: I just got back from an epic trip in Alaska. I have to say that it is my favorite place to visit. I have so many good memories from my trips there and feel like it’s becoming a home away from home for me.
Q: Why is fitness important to you?
A: I want to live a healthy life for as long as I can. I want to be that 80-year-old woman hiking with a weighted vest (saw this on the trail this winter and have made it my goal ever since). I also want to be able to be involved in as many activities as I can, which means that I need to stay as fit as possible.
Q: What are a few of your top priorities when it comes to nutrition?
A: Having a well-balanced meal makes me feel my best. Making sure that I get my fruits and veggies is an important part of that.
Q: How do you get your fruits and veggies in everyday? 
A: Most mornings I make a massive acai bowl full of fresh fruit, and of course Ruvi!
Q: If you could improve one thing about your health or fitness, what would it be?
A: I need to understand that rest days are good for me! It’s so hard to take a step back when you feel like you are improving, but you need rest days to continue that improvement.
Q: What is your favorite thing about Ruvi? Do you have a favorite blend?
A: Active is my favorite blend! I love that I am able to mix it in my smoothies or acai bowls to add some extra fruits and veggies.
Q: At Ruvi, we believe people should live a life of color. How do you live in color?
A: I believe that living a life of color is sharing knowledge with others! I try to run with as many people as possible to hopefully learn from them and in the process make more friends that will hit the trails with me.
Thanks so much for your seriously uplifting attitude and positive outlook, Mo!
If you'd like to see more from Mo Hendricks, follow her on Instagram: @mobridge5
If you want to live your life in color like Mo, drink Ruvi! Check out our store